Les commissions de l’OGEC

L’Ogec La haye Fouassière est composé de 17 membres qui se répartissent en 6 commissions:

– La Commission Communication: OGE©M’                            

Anne Lenoir et Fabien Berteau

– La Commission Finances: 

Hilda David en est la référente

Isabelle Garçon

Isabelle Greyo

Daniel Robert

– La Commission Informatique:

Fabien Berteau

– La Commission Intendance:

Anne Lenoir  en est la référente

– La Commission Ressources Humaines:

Eugénie Monnier en est la référente

Elodie Potier

– La Commission Travaux

Noémie Baty

Thony Céaglio en est le référent

Virginie Jamin

Cyrille Le Batteux

Serge Mathieu

Vincent Racoupeau

Hans trichet




A trip cheap michael kors into the depths of Las Vegas

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July 18, 2007

(continued from previous page)

« Local taggers and michael kors outlet even artists from across the country and the world come here, » O’Brien says, « to leave their art. »

Nearby, we see a marriage proposal spray painted on the wall. It reads, « Holly, will you marry me? Check yes or no. »

It’s not clear which box is checked, and sadly, my camera chose that moment to malfunction.

Meanwhile, what really interests O’Brien are the homeless people who live in the tunnels. O’Brien estimates that 300 people are living in small encampments throughout the tunnel system, and in the course of his research, he got to know many of them.

We didn’t have the opportunity to visit any of them during my tour, but evidence was everywhere: here, an old set of pans; there, large heaps of garbage, including many old mattresses.

One might expect that it is michael kors handbags dangerous in the tunnels, but I never felt that way. Perhaps that’s because I was being led around by someone who has a lot of experience there.

O’Brien says he still gets jitters going into the tunnels, but it’s nothing compared to when he and Ellis first began visiting.

« We just cheap michael kors couldn’t imagine what might be going on in these dark, deep places, » he remembers. « But we were erring on the side of caution, michael kors handbags< so we brought knives and golf clubs and hard hats (for protection). »

He says, however, that he’s only ever had a few minor confrontations with people in the tunnels, and nothing serious enough to require swinging the expandable baton he still brings with him.

« In retrospect, it was a bit of overkill, but we just didn’t know what to expect. »

If they had encountered problems, they would likely have michael kors outlet been on their own. That’s because, O’Brien explains, the local police pretty much ignore the tunnels, preferring not to have to venture in there themselves.

« When I would call the casinos, » O’Brien says, for comments about cheap michael kors the tunnels running under their properties, I wouldn’t « get return calls. They don’t want people to know that you can access the casinos that way. »

It’s true, too. At the end of the tunnel, we emerge in bright light coming from the garage cheap michael kors outlet of the Imperial Palace. O’Brien says he usually doesn’t venture far in that direction because doing so triggers motion sensors, which brings security guards he doesn’t want to deal with. But it’s interesting to see how we were able to simply walk into this place.

Finally, Michael Kors from china we return to the tunnel entrance we started at. My shoes are soaked through, but we are safe, and I’m not sure I’ve ever been happier to come out from a cool climate into the blast furnace of a July day in Las Vegas. But the blue sky and civilization seem attractive right about now.Articles Connexes:

    La Haye Fouassière