L’APEL St Joseph est composé de 17 membres, tous très motivés !
Le bureau est composé de :
Présidente : Marie BERTHIER
Vice-président : Pablo RICHARD
Trésorière : Noëmie GRIS CHAUVEAU
Vice-Trésorière : Elora DELROUX
Secrétaire : Vanessa VILLADIER
Vice-Secrétaire : Geneviève POINEL
Contact : par mail apel44690@gmail.com
A Review of Supplemental Security Income Benefits
Lala C. Ballatan
Another program being administered by the Social Security Administration (SSA) in ensuring social protection for the citizens of the United States is the Supplemental Security Income (SSI).
The SSI program’s main targets are the poverty stricken individuals who have a lack of resources to pay for basic needs like food, shelter and clothing. The program intends to give income to needy individuals who michael kors outlet were disabled and/or have reached the elderly age of 65 and above, for as long as they have adequately met the program’s income requirements.
The SSA carefully administers and enforces cheap Michael Kors the SSI cheap michael kors program’s income requirements. By doing these, the government is assured of providing benefit only to people who have limited resources and inadequate income. The SSA carefully evaluates those who are elderly, disabled and has impairments that are qualified to receive Supplemental Security Income benefits (SSI benefits).
What is Income and Resources?
Income is the money an individual earns or receives every week or month through a job, unemployment benefits, VA benefits, pension, family members and other relatives, and friends.
Resources, meanwhile, pertain to the money an individuals is safekeeping in a bank or accounts for investment like 401k/IRA, savings bonds, cheap michael kors outlet mutual funds, stocks, and CDs, as well as cheap michael kors properties an individual may have, aside from the primary residence, trust funds, vehicles excluding one, life insurance policies.
These are considered limited cheap Michael Kors handbags when the sum value equals to $2,000 for individuals and $3,000 for married couples.
Those applying for SSI benefits whose assets have surpassed these sum value will not be considered eligible.
Where do the SSI benefits come from?
The money being used for the SSI comes from the Federal income tax revenues and not from the Trust Fund of the Social Security.
Provisions of SSI benefits do michael kors handbags not base eligibility on the individual’s employment or job history; cheap michael kors outlet it is based more on the needs of the individual.
What are the SSI benefits?
Individuals who qualify for benefits under the SSI program receive Medicaid. This is a « health insurance plan » intended for needy citizens.
Many States base eligibility for Medicaid program according to an individual’s SSI eligibility.
Meanwhile, some States use Michael Kors outlet other terms for programs that are equivalent to the Medicaid. For example, in the state of California the program, which michael kors handbags essentially is Medicaid, is called MediCal.
In several States, SSI eligibility also qualifies the individuals and their family to avail of food stamps. Local Social Services in each area can be consulted for qualifications to receive food stamps.Articles Connexes: