Le marché de Noël a lieu début décembre. La première édition « de nuit » a rencontré un franc succès. Les articles proposés par les enfants et par les parents, ainsi que les stands de restauration, permettent de récolter de l’argent pour financer le spectacle présenté aux enfants à l’espace Sevria quelques jours avant les vacances de Noël.
Merci à l’équipe enseignante et aux enfants pour leurs préparations, aux familles pour leur participation à la fête… et au Père Noël qui nous rend toujours une petite visite pour le plus grands plaisir des petits et des grands !

The new Committee Chair has selected six initial members with a wide range of experience
« I wish the Committee and its members every success in their work. Michael Kors I am sure it will help improve access to justice in particular for some of the more vulnerable people in our society. »
Committee Chair Marieke Dwarshuis said:
« I am delighted to have been asked to chair this new committee. This is a crucial time for administrative justice and tribunals in Scotland with developments in many different areas that we will be able to contribute to and I hope the committee will be able to champion the needs of users from across all parts of the system in Scotland. I very much look forward to the committee starting its work there is much to do. »
The first meeting of the committee was held on December 17.
Marieke Dwarshuis’ career in Scotland spans over 20 years in the public and voluntary sector in a wide range of roles including Director of Consumer Focus Scotland and positions at the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator, Citizens Advice Scotland, the Scottish Government and Shelter Scotland. In each of these roles she has worked to improve access to justice in particular for more vulnerable members of society and she has developed extensive knowledge of the administrative justice landscape in Scotland. She is currently a member of the Board of the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service and sits on the Committee of Management of Hillcrest Housing Association Ltd. She is currently an independent consultant specialising in legal and consumer policy and has many years experience of working on civil and administrative justice issues. She was formerly Director of Policy at Consumer Focus Scotland, was a member of the Administrative Justice Steering Group chaired by Lord cheap michael kors Philip and wrote its 2008 report on options for the future michael kors handbags administration and supervision of tribunals. Ms O’Neill is also an accredited mediator and a member of the board of trustees of the Scottish Mediation Network.
Tom Mullen is Professor of Law at the University of Glasgow and a non practising solicitor. His michael kors handbags research and teaching interests include constitutional law and administrative law and cheap Michael Kors handbags topics including judicial review, human rights legislation, tenancy rights, housing and anti social behaviour and the impact of the Housing (Scotland) Act 2001. He is currently writing a book on administrative justice. Professor Mullen was also Convener of michael kors outlet the Board of the Legal Services Agency and has acted as expert adviser to a House of Commons cheap michael kors Select Committee on Scottish Affairs. He became a Queen’s Counsel in 1999, is a Visiting Professor at Strathclyde University and was also Director of Training and Education cheap Michael Kors handbags in the Faculty Michael Kors handbags outlet of Advocates where he designed and led the Scottish Bar’s award winning advocacy skills programme. Mr Sturrock trained in negotiation at Harvard University and was named Specialist of the Year at the Scottish Legal Awards in 2003 and Mediator of the Year at the Law Awards of Scotland in 2009. He also received the Honorary Degree of Doctor of Laws from Edinburgh Napier University in 2010.
Shaben Begum is the Director of the Scottish Independent Advocacy Alliance (SIAA). With an Advocacy background stretching back many years, she previously worked for the Advocacy Service in Rampton Hospital before moving to Scotland in 2000 when appointed as Manager of the Patients Advocacy Service in the State Hospital, Carstairs. During her time at the organisation, Ms Begum helped the SIAA develop a strong national voice for independent advocacy organisations, helping to influence services and legislation. She has supported the growth of existing independent advocacy organisations and helped ensure that all independent advocacy organisations in Scotland work to the same rules and guidelines. The CSA recently implemented a michael kors handbags programme of reform to standardise, simplify and improve complaints handling by public bodies across Scotland. He oversaw the transfer of prisons and water complaints to the Ombudsman’s office from the Scottish Prison Complaints Commission and Waterwatch Scotland respectively. Mr McFadden also helped establish the Police Complaints Commissioner for Scotland (PCCS), leading the development of the complaints handling and corporate services functions. He has also worked with the UK Home Office where he helped establish the office of the Chief Inspector of the UK Border Agency.
Lauren Wood is Access to Justice Policy Officer at Citizens Advice Scotland. She is responsible for influencing decision makers and opinion formers in government, the public and private sectors and the media to ensure access to justice policy and legislation is framed in the best interests of consumers. Her role also involves developing and co ordinating information on projects that enhance access to justice across the Citizens Advice Bureaux in Scotland. She holds a Master of Laws in Law and Governance from Dundee University and volunteered at Family Mediation Scotland while completing her studies.Articles Connexes:
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